My name is Xander

I'm a full stack developer open to new opportunities. I love collaborative work environments, problem solving, and learning new technologies.

In my free time I enjoy rock climbing, cooking, running, biking, and video games.


West Marin Compost

WMC Screenshot 1WMC Screenshot 2

West Marin Compost is a static website built with Gatsby. This website was built for a client to replace their old site. I continually update content and components as requested by the client. Code, design, hosting all done myself.

Technologies: Gatsby, React, Bootstrap, Styled Components, Netlify


Collabio Screenshot 1Collabio Screenshot 2

Collabio is a rich-text document editor similar to Google Docs. Users can signup/login using Auth0 authentication and immediately start creating new documents, edit and view existing documents, and collaboratively work on documents together. Users can save those documents and see them in the documents grid anytime they login.

This is a project I built to test my knowledge of building every element of a full-stack application by myself. I had worked on projects in the past working in teams and wanted to explore what it would be like to build something from the ground up that I claim as my own. This process allowed me to deepen my understanding of the technologies I had worked with before and introduce myself to new ones as well. This was my first time using Auth0, MongoDB, Mongoose, and Slate. It was also my first time creating and closing issues independently, and doing my own research debugging and creating new features.

Front End: React, Redux, Slate, Styled Components
Back End: Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose
Additional Technologies & Packages: Heroku, Babel, Axios,, Passport, Auth0


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Cook'd is a recipe sharing app inspired by the cumbersome recipes with long stories and other unnecessary content found online. This project was my capstone project at Fullstack Academy, created by myself and three others.

Our team decided to create this mobile app using React Native and Expo. This gave us a clean starting point to create all the features we wanted within the two week sprint. Some of the user features include: posting recipes with photos, ingredients, and directions, a global and personalized feed to explore other users recipes, liking and commenting on recipes, viewing your own and other users profile with all the recipes that user has posted, and editing your profile page and image.

Front End: React Native, Redux, Published to Expo
Back End: Node.js, Express, Sequelize, PostgreSQL, Deployed to Heroku
Additional Technologies & Packages: Cloudinary database to store uploaded images, Babel, Axios,, Passport, OAuth

Quaffle House

Cooked Screenshot 1Cooked Screenshot 2

Quaffle house is a mock e-commerce website built as our first group project at Fullstack Academy. Myself and two others built this site using the core languages and technologies taught at Fullstack.

This project taught us how to develop in teams and use industry standard tools for collaboration and project management. We used GitHub's Project feature to manage our issue tracking, pull requests to be reviewed and approved before merging, and we created roles that each member of the team follow to ensure all members were working efficiently and effectively.

Front End: React, Redux
Back End: Node.js, Express, Sequelize, PostgreSQL, Deployed to Heroku
Testing: Mocha, Chai, Enzyme
Additional Technologies & Packages: Webpack, Babel, Axios,, Passport, OAuth


Front End

  • React
  • React Native
  • Redux
  • Expo
  • Bootstrap
  • Material UI
  • Styled Components

Back End

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL
  • Sequelize
  • MongoDB
  • Passport.js


  • Git/GitHub
  • Webpack
  • Babel
  • Heroku
  • Travis CI
  • OAuth
  • Auth0